Sunday, June 26, 2011

Downtown Pili

Photos as of June 20, 2011 Traffic Enforcers are ladies in boots. Cool...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

National Commission on Indigenous People V

NCIP Region VPhoto by: Irigueno23 of SSC Cam...

Miss Iriga 2011

LEFT - RIGHT2nd Runner Up Ms.Brazille Mae R. Pango Daet Camarines NorteMiss Bicol Tourism Ms. Esperanza FranciscoNaga CityMs. Iriga 2011 Ms. Halima Lyssa Oida Al-taie Iriga City Ms. Rinconada Ms. Lourdes Aurora Cu Buhi Camarines Sur 1st Runner Up Ms. Marylyn Ampongan Iriga City Photo by Irigueno23 of SSC CamSur Miss Iriga 2011 Halima Lyssa Oida Al-taie 22 San Nicolas Iriga City AB-Communication Graduate Ateneo de Manila Univers...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lake Manapao @ Buhi CamSur

Lake Manapao - Sinarapan Sunctuary of Buhi Sinarapan is known to be the smallest fish in the world and it's being grown in this small, but deep and mysterious lake. Students, Professors and Researchers always visit this place for water sampling, depth analysis and the same time studying the whole biodiversity of the lake. It's just mind boggling to hear stories from the natives of this place to have a mythical creature in the lake and those in virgin forest surrounding it. Manapao is just a few meters walk from Sinagpan Spring Resort going uphill first then down again. After going over this hill, you'll see the house of one of the caretakers of the lake. And at the back of their house... this is what you'll see. Too bad there's lots of...

Sinagpan Spring Resort @ Buhi CamSur

Springs in the Rinconada area especially in Iriga and Buhi Camarines Sur are abundant. This time, let's go to Sinagpan Spring Resort in Buhi. The resort is approximately 30 minutes away from the Barangay Town Hall of Sta. Justina. This is the point of entry going to the resort. It's a rough terrain with a one way traffic only. Sedans are not advisable here (based from my experience) or else you'll get bumps underneath your car *All photos were taken June 20, 2011 Along the way..lushly green and a very rural scenery Rocks are kind of sharp so be careful when driving This is what we call simple living Cars cannot go directly to the resort that's why before you reach this path (next photo on the left) you have to leave the car with the owners...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Crown Park Restaurant Iriga

Crown Park Restaurant is NOW OPEN to serve RINCODADA!Photo by: Irigueno23 of SSC Naga & Iriga CamSu...

Bigg's Diner Iriga

Bigg's is everywhere Bicol. If you happen to be in Iriga, there's one there. One Rock n Roll iced tea for me! ...

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